Easy Tips To Lose Weight

Diwanshi Soti
4 min readMay 14, 2021

Losing weight has always been surrounded by numerous rumours. Having a large body may lead an individual to reduced life quality. Here are some tips that will help to live a balanced lifestyle and healthful living and may assist in better weight control.

1. Drinking-Water

It is evidently noticed that drinking plenty of water helps in reduction in weight. The fact is, it promotes metabolism, therefore, burns few calories.

Photo by Bindle Bottle on Unsplash

Water is purely calorie-free. It can take place of the sugary beverages consumed in a day. It may even stamp out your appetite if consumed before meals. It is an effortless way to cut back on sugar and calories.

2. Exercise

Exercising is proved as one of the best ways to burn fat. No matter how lethargic one may feel, 20–30 minutes of exercise can bring a huge difference to both health and lifestyle. It could be boring for many of us.

Photo by Minna Hamalainen on Unsplash

Activities that are the substitute for the exercise:

I.) Bhangra (Dance form of Punjab, India)

II.) Zumba

III.) Aerobics

IV.) Playing football, basketball, badminton, cricket (any outdoor game)

V.) Running/ Walking/ Jogging


3. Eat Meals Frequently

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

Eating meals frequently means eating food after an interval of few hours. This will help you to reduce the temptation of snacks which are usually enriched with lots of calories. It will not only cut off the temptations, however, but it also will stimulate you to a healthy eating routine. This is a good technique to reduce weight especially for those who cannot resist eating.

4. Calories In, Calories Out

For this, Prepare a highly nutritional diet plan which must include fewer calories. From Calories In, Calories out means intake fewer calories than you burn. In this way, one will automatically reduce weight and excess fat. However, as soon as one thinks of quitting the task, they can gain more mass than before. So, it is not much reliable.

5. Portion Control

Photo by Lai YuChing on Unsplash

Let us understand it with an example. Through Portion control, it means that if your lunch looks like 3 chapattis and 2 bowls of vegetables. Reduce 1 chapatti and some portion from each of the vegetables. Fill that portion with green leafy vegetables. Basically, it is reducing the quantity of food we eat and filling it with salad.

6. Sleep

Sleep is extremely crucial in weight loss. Make sure you get 7–8 hours of sleep every day. Sleeping helps you to fight against your cravings and make healthy choices for yourself. Also, it affects your appetite if you have poor sleep. Apart from this, sleeping can also make your skin glow and dark circles away. It will be wonderful to switch to healthy sleeping.

7. Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a popular approach followed to reduced weight. In this fasting, one needs to follow the eating patterns accordingly. For instance, you have to eat from 12 noon to 6 p.m., keeping calories in mind. Low calory drinks are allowed before or after the timings like green tea, black coffee and water.

8. Eliminate Liquid calories

Photo by Victoriano Izquierdo on Unsplash

If calories are gained by consuming beverages, it is known as “empty calories”. It may sound stupid, but drinks like soft drinks, juice, tea, coffee, sweetened soda contain a lot of calories. These beverages provide extra energy without proving any sort of benefit to our health. If you intake a lot of drinks, try to substitute those with water, green tea or black coffee. Water is calorie-free whereas, green tea and black coffee contain a certain amount of caffeine which is not at all healthy.

Weight loss is a gradual process. One cannot be in shape within few hours. It requires dedication, patience, motivation and regularity. Hope that the above-mentioned ways work for you.



Diwanshi Soti

Hello All ! This is a 20 y/o trying to initiate content writing.